News ID: 1289
Publish Date : 10 December 2017 - 09:15

Governments' Plans Faded into Dreams

100 days have passed since the start of the twelfth government and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade has done nothing special about Iran’s automotive industry.
KhodroCar – The more you explore about the actions of the new government in field of automotive industry, the less you find. By reviewing the first 100 days, it’s obvious that Mohammad Shariatmadari, the minister of the twelfth government, didn’t make any serious decisions and he was also absent in Iran’s most important car event, Tehran Auto Show.

The new minister didn’t either correct the wrong decisions of the former government, so that the tensions in the field of car imports and monopoly of domestic market reaches the maximum. The most important decision in the new government was changing the Saipa CEO which was the decision of the company’s board of directors.

Hasan Karimi Sanjari told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "The only significant news was the change of Saipa Automobile Group’s CEO. Except that, the new government didn’t meet any of the expectations at all. A part of this issue is due to the international conditions and the non-commitment of Americans to the rules of JCPOA, which prevented some car companies to enter the Iranian car market."

He added: "But the point here is that there has not been a significant change in domestic politics either. The lack of domestic business motivations, absence of foreign investments and tax exemptions are the things that are unimportant to the new government.”

This automotive industry expert mentioned that the government must attract the investments of the foreign companies and explained: "َAttracting foreign investments was the most important mission of government but they failed. The closure of car import registration website also threatens the investment security.”

Sanjari added: "The government’s performance shows that there is nothing behind their decisions about automotive industry.”

The government’s performance was weak during the past 100 days and their policies about automotive industry is still unclear.

Khodrocar reporter: Asal Dadashloo
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh